35, 50
In 35mm, perhaps the distance between observational and participatory imaging is fifteen millimeters.
Auxiliary Viewfinders
Forget new lenses and camera specs. One of the most freeing things we can add to our photography is an auxiliary viewfinder because it removes precision.
Who wants to fidget with large raw files? A JPEG is good enough, and now we have 10-bit HEIC.

Seeing Layers
The 50mm lens is more front-to-back than side-to-side and compresses things together, perfect for layering foregrounds over backgrounds.

Hot, Dry, and Flat
Follow me to Amarillo, TX. It’s pretty simple. I take pictures to see my editing.
35 is a lonesome focal length
A 35mm pushes backgrounds away and magnifies foregrounds.

Lower Contrast
Because digital pictures look contrasty, use Neutral picture profiles.
Wildly kind and kindly wild
How do we remember a place?
A note is a scribble (a few words in a sentence or two); a picture is an individual frame, and a finding blends text with imagery.
The Rule of Thirds
View something, then around and past it.
Warming filters, where have you been my whole life? A wide open sky in West Texas creates a blue color cast, and the warming filter, when white balance is set to daylight, removes it.
We need to be clear about what Adobe Lightroom is and not. Lightroom is software that lets us organize, edit, and develop a personal style. It’s not where we will see our camera’s best imaging quality.
Compression and Separation
Lens selection is a creative choice made before stepping outside. A 50mm is how a photographer sees; a 35mm is how one thinks, and a 135mm is how one sees and things while driving.

Canon EOS 5D Mark I Classic
With its simple menus and introductory features, only a few SLRs have remained as loved as the 5D.
Picture Maker
Analog nudged me into monochrome; digital let me stay there, and offset lithography kept me closer to home.
Proximity and Proportionality
On a two-dimensional surface, proximity could be space perceived, and proportionality could be a relationship between discernible surface areas.
Manufactured circa 1920, my Voigtländer plate camera is a back-pocket view camera that holds 9x12 cm film or glass plates (daytime film exposure: Foma 100, f/12, 1/100th).
Way Out
What will we do with all of these photos we’ve taken? Gathering new ones takes less time than sifting through our current lot, and how many images of the same vintage motel sign do we need?
The ability to write is a sturdy boat on rough seas.
New Monochrome
With a print, I’ll sit with a two-dimensional surface and see tonal variations throughout. I’ll eye lines and shapes and bring meaning to what’s constructed inside my mind.