A dog barks, tin clanks, and wind whooshes across dormant branches.
35, 50
In 35mm, perhaps the distance between observational and participatory imaging is fifteen millimeters.

February Afternoon
Bare trees stretch up in bright light near dormant vegetation, in chilly air, in a park, near highway traffic, beside a path, and a chance to walk and do something creative with a camera.
Auxiliary Viewfinders
Forget new lenses and camera specs. One of the most freeing things we can add to our photography is an auxiliary viewfinder because it removes precision.

New York Town
I caught the subway and went downtown. Helvetica lettering pointed the way. Passenger cars rocked, rattled, and clanked in the dark, and a platform musician sang Country Roads. People smiled on the boat to the Statue of Liberty, and Manhattan’s mountains rose above the harbor, where I later walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, picturing it as I would in a dry, dusty town.
The Bigger Picture
There are many things to learn. The point of the arts isn’t to make a living doing art. Instead, if done well, we’ll witness the lived reality of the person making something become more widely known.
Who wants to fidget with large raw files? A JPEG is good enough, and now we have 10-bit HEIC.

Seeing Layers
The 50mm lens is more front-to-back than side-to-side and compresses things together, perfect for layering foregrounds over backgrounds.
Traveling Kind
Art includes the freedom to wander off. If someone says that they want to be an artist, that’s like trying to write words around the unexplainable. Why do it? Explore the unknown.
In our lifetime
We’re our age for a short while, yet the present touches eternity.

Sunset Limited
With a ticket, backpack, and several rolls of Kodak Gold, I watched Amtrak’s Sunset Limited coast to a stop at Alpine, 2 PM, would reach Los Angeles at 9 AM, December 2005.

Hot, Dry, and Flat
Follow me to Amarillo, TX. It’s pretty simple. I take pictures to see my editing.

TX, Potter, Amarillo, Tyler & 10th
The problem with mirrorless
Someday we’ll call it a camera with interchangeable lenses.
35 is a lonesome focal length
A 35mm pushes backgrounds away and magnifies foregrounds.
Completely covered with graffiti
Old age is the ultimate new cool. Be a little bit of kindness and friendship walking around in the world.

Lower Contrast
Because digital pictures look contrasty, use Neutral picture profiles.
Heaven is out here, working in Odessa.
Wildly kind and kindly wild
How do we remember a place?
Burgers, Fries, and Onion Rings
To see a photograph, we must forget that we’re viewing one. To see photography, we must acknowledge mood and atmosphere.