A dog barks, tin clanks, and wind whooshes across dormant branches.

February Afternoon
Bare trees stretch up in bright light near dormant vegetation, in chilly air, in a park, near highway traffic, beside a path, and a chance to do something creative.

New York Town
I caught the subway and went downtown. Helvetica lettering pointed the way. Passenger cars rocked, rattled, and clanked in the dark, and a platform musician sang Country Roads. People smiled on the boat to the Statue of Liberty, and Manhattan’s mountains rose above the harbor, where I later walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, picturing it as I would in a dry, dusty town.

Seeing Layers
The 50mm lens is more front-to-back than side-to-side and compresses things together, perfect for layering foregrounds over backgrounds.

Sunset Limited
With a ticket, backpack, and several rolls of Kodak Gold, I watched Amtrak’s Sunset Limited coast to a stop at Alpine, 2 PM, would reach Los Angeles at 9 AM, December 2005.

Hot, Dry, and Flat
Follow me to Amarillo, TX. It’s pretty simple. I take pictures to see my editing.

TX, Potter, Amarillo, Tyler & 10th

Lower Contrast
Because digital pictures look contrasty, use Neutral picture profiles.

On October 23rd, we went west of Penwell to see the comet.

Canon EOS 5D Mark I Classic
With its simple menus and introductory features, only a few SLRs have remained as loved as the 5D.

Small Town, Big Dreams
Welcome to Wink, home of the Wildcats.

High Lonesome
It’s a one-room bus stop near desert mountains.

Solar Eclipse
We would have chased totality if the forecast had been better, but we stayed in West Texas.

Changing Barstow
Barstow, Texas (2010, 2021)

Monahans Sandhills State Park, Windmill, and Texas & Pacific Section House

Mile-long trains dashed across a desolate plain. I sat in our 70’s Buick Skylark, listened to Hank Williams on cassette, and let derelict buildings fill my eyes. My mother accepted a teaching job in Pecos during the eighties oil bust.