A note is a scribble (a few words in a sentence or two); a picture is an individual frame, and a finding blends text with imagery.

On October 23rd, we went west of Penwell to see the comet.
Despair is progress misinterpreted. Make a stranger laugh. Focus on what you enjoy more than the attention it brings.
The Rule of Thirds
View something, then around and past it.
The kids are smart and will do just fine. It’s grown soreheads like me who I worry about.
Warming filters, where have you been my whole life? A wide open sky in West Texas creates a blue color cast, and the warming filter, when white balance is set to daylight, removes it.
Simple Italianate
Simple Italianate houses fascinate me. The City of Cincinnati describes Italianates (1860 - 1890) as two or three stories high, rectangular in plan, with low-pitched roofs. They are brick with metal, stone, or wood ornamentation. A distinctive feature is a cornice. Their design is thin with tall windows, similar to 19th-century commercial buildings.
Wings on Our Shoes
Freedom is time with your thoughts and knowing they’re not yours. I can color-correct monochrome images exceptionally well, and the worst part of country music is anger in a bottle.

Navasota, Texas

Brazos River
Allenfarm, Texas
We need to be clear about what Adobe Lightroom is and not. Lightroom is software that lets us organize, edit, and develop a personal style. It’s not where we will see our camera’s best imaging quality.
Compression and Separation
Lens selection is a creative choice made before stepping outside. A 50mm is how a photographer sees; a 35mm is how one thinks, and a 135mm is how one sees and things while driving.

Railroad Street
Navasota, Texas

Canon EOS 5D Mark I Classic
With its simple menus and introductory features, only a few SLRs have remained as loved as the 5D.
Picture Maker
Analog nudged me into monochrome; digital let me stay there, and offset lithography kept me closer to home.
How it all began
If it hand’t been for West Texas, I probably wouldn’t have dove into monovchromramatic photography. If it hand’t been for school, I probably wouldn’t have dove into monovchromramatic photography. If it hadn’t been for the 1990s, I probably wouldn’t have dove into monovchromramatic photography.
Leave something better than you found it
You don’t have to be anything. Fly to any city in the US to see the same stores, cars, and roads. Too few pictures capture our lived reality.

Lockhart, Texas

Small Town, Big Dreams
Welcome to Wink, home of the Wildcats.

Musical Instruments
Pampa, Texas