The Bigger Picture
There are many things to learn. The point of the arts isn’t to make a living doing art. Instead, if done well, we’ll witness the lived reality of the person making something become more widely known.
Traveling Kind
Art includes the freedom to wander off. If someone says that they want to be an artist, that’s like trying to write words around the unexplainable. Why do it? Explore the unknown.
In our lifetime
We’re our age for a short while, yet the present touches eternity.
The problem with mirrorless
Someday we’ll call it a camera with interchangeable lenses.
Burgers, Fries, and Onion Rings
To see a photograph, we must forget that we’re viewing one. To see photography, we must acknowledge mood and atmosphere.
Despair is progress misinterpreted. Make a stranger laugh. Focus on what you enjoy more than the attention it brings.
Wings on Our Shoes
Freedom is time with your thoughts and knowing they’re not yours. I can color-correct monochrome images exceptionally well, and the worst part of country music is anger in a bottle.
Picture Maker
Analog nudged me into monochrome; digital let me stay there, and offset lithography kept me closer to home.
How it all began
If it hand’t been for West Texas, I probably wouldn’t have dove into monovchromramatic photography. If it hand’t been for school, I probably wouldn’t have dove into monovchromramatic photography. If it hadn’t been for the 1990s, I probably wouldn’t have dove into monovchromramatic photography.
Leave something better than you found it
You don’t have to be anything. Fly to any city in the US to see the same stores, cars, and roads. Too few pictures capture our lived reality.
In saying very little, I stood closer to what I had to say and encountered it before I knew what it was. Brag about eyesores if there’s almost nothing nice to say.
I’ve been there
Why do we need a photo to explain a place?
In proximity to everything, monochrome represents hard times. The thought of everything worsening is a misinterpretation of how far we’ve come. Each photo changes photography. There’s a point where enough is enough and plenty near gratitude. It’s hard to become impoverished in a free society.
Way Out
What will we do with all of these photos we’ve taken? Gathering new ones takes less time than sifting through our current lot, and how many images of the same vintage motel sign do we need?
The ability to write is a sturdy boat on rough seas.
Lessen Suffering
Why we start businesses is similar to why we write songs if the reason is to lessen suffering. Reducing suffering is as close to a philosophy of everything that I have found.
New Monochrome
With a print, I’ll sit with a two-dimensional surface and see tonal variations throughout. I’ll eye lines and shapes and bring meaning to what’s constructed inside my mind.
Film photography was a folk art. People wrote with light, and shutters drew simple moments into dark boxes.
Head, Foot, and Eye Protection Required
Art galleries come and go, yet artists remain open for a lifetime. There’s no positive answer to my work because it looks like pictures of stuff and is often written off as easy, but it’s thoughts on image assemblage.
Near–middle–far is to a picture what time–manner–place is to a sentence.